Welcome to Bassingbourn Pre-School
Bassingbourn Pre-School recognises that the education of very young children is about feelings and relationships as well as exploring and experimenting. We aim to provide a happy and nurturing environment where all the children feel safe and are able to develop self esteem and independence. We work within the Early Years Foundation Stage framework and use the information we gain about the individual child from observation, interaction and discussion with Parents/Carers to ensure we provide activities that will engage the child and best support their learning journey.
If you’d like to learn more about how Bassingbourn Pre-School can support your child, please do give us a call. Janette, our preschool manager, would be happy to answer any questions you have.
Term Dates
Autumn Term 2024
Thursday 5th September – Friday 20th December
Half Term: Monday 28th October– Friday 1st November
Staff Training: Tuesday 3rd & Wednesday 4th September
Spring Term 2025
Monday 6th January – Friday 4th April
Half Term: Monday 17th - Friday 21st February
Staff Training: Friday 5th January
Summer Term 2025
Tuesday 22nd April – Friday 18th July
May Day: Monday 5th May
Half Term: Monday 26th to Friday 30th May
Staff Training: Monday 21st & Tuesday 22nd July
Please be aware some of our dates differ to those of the primary school.
Our News & Announcements
All the latest news from our wonderful pre-school!
Dress up as your favourite character from a book
Our New Website!
We are pleased to announce our brand new website! Bassingbourn Pre-School are please to annouce the lauch of our new website! We hope you find it easy to navigate and informative. If there is any further information you need, feel free to Contact Us!
We offer t-shirts, sweatshirts, fleeces and hoodies embroidered with the Bassingbourn Pre-School logo.
While uniforms are not required at Bassingbourn Pre-School, many parents choose to purchase them. We do quite a bit of messy play every day, so having a uniform saves ‘home clothes’ from getting ruined. Also, little ones with older siblings enjoy getting to wear a uniform, just like the kids at ‘big school!’
You can order uniforms by visiting Sew Krafty or alternatively we do have a selection of second hand uniform available to purchase directly from us.
Useful Information
Click on any of the information below to find out more!
Please make sure that EVERYTHING your child brings to Bassingbourn Pre-School is labeled with their name! This includes underwear, socks, shoes, mittens, water bottles, lunch boxes, etc.
Weather Appropriate Clothing
Please send you child to Bassingbourn Pre-School wearing clothing appropriate to the weather. This means that your child will need welly boots and rain coats for wet days; winter coats, hats and mittens for cold days; sun hats and sunscreen in the summer. Please apply your child’s sunscreen before the session begins. On very wet days, we encourage children to change out of welly boots into ‘indoor shoes’ or plimsolls while they are playing inside.
Change of Clothes
Please ensure that your child always has a complete change of clothes at Bassingbourn Pre-School. This can live in a bag on your child’s peg; it does not need to come and go with you after every session. Not only are children at this age prone to toileting accidents, they will also have access to a variety of messy play activities each day. Spare clothes are essential!
Water Bottle & Lunch
Children should bring in a named water bottle every day, containing water only.
Parent Testimonials
Thank you so much for being absolutely wonderful with both of our children over the past 2 ½ years. The staff are so caring and kind and the children absolutely adore them. The progress the children have made during their time with the pre-school is brilliant. To the whole team – Thank you!
As parent’s, we were slightly worried the M would be reluctant to attend school but pleasantly she was excited from day 1 and every day looked forward to going to school. We have noticed she is more confident in herself, approaches friends and keen to make new friends. Her vocabulary has widened, we enjoy listening to her tell us about her activities at school.
It is so lovely to hear how well E has settled in. She always loves telling both me and daddy what she has done and what friends she has made. She is really happy in your setting
Thank You!
It’s lovely seeing D progressing and developing so well since joining the preschool. He’s always so happy to be going in so that speaks volumes for how much he enjoy’s it!
Thank you for all your work that you are doing for her. She is getting on so well and she always seems happy to be in pre-school.
It’s good to hear that E is getting on so well, she loves school and often asks if she can go to school at the weekends.
Linzi & the team offer flexibility for parents trying to juggle everything. Our children loved attending after school club & being able to entrust them to collect the children from Pre-school really helped. The club has also helped them socially with other children of all ages.